Renovation Tips and Resources
Renovation can be stressful so we work closely with our clients to help simplify the process and plan ahead. Here are some helpful tips and planning ideas.
Planning Phase
Plan, Plan, Plan!
Every renovation needs an extensive amount of planning! Here are some helpful tips to make sure everything is planned out as much as possible!
Have you ever heard about a construction process taking FOREVER!!! Yes, we have too! Just about every time we speak with clients before a project starts we hear “How long will this take?” “Will you be working on my project every day until it’s finished?” IT DEPENDS! It depends on if we have all the materials ready to go, on how well the design is planned out and if there are any changes, and most importantly it depends on what we find in the walls and under the floor. However, that being said, typically speaking, it takes about 6-8 weeks for a kitchen renovation and 3-8 weeks for a bathroom renovation (depending on size). We do our best to hit these deadlines but sometimes there are things outside of our control that increase the timeframe of a job.
Construction Process
Feature 1
Demo Day!
The first item of business is to rip out all the old so we can get down to the bones of the house and start with a good foundation for the new. That means… DUST! our biggest enemy and nightmare! We have lots of ways to try and mitigate dust but inevitably even with our best efforts, dust is bound to happen when you rip out a section of your house and reinstall it. Hint: If a contractor promises you a dust free renovation, you may want to take a closer look at what else they promised you! However, here are some helpful hints to avoiding dust spreading beyond the scope of the project. What We Do: First order of business each morning is to put drop cloths down from the entry point to the worksite. We may ask you to help us find the closest exit to minimize dust infiltration. Next we hang plastic sheeting to partition off the site from the rest of the house and setup filtration to help remove dust as it’s created. Finally, we clean the site each day to ensure the least amount of dust is tracked around. What our client’s can do: Remove any personal items you don’t want damaged from in and around the work site if possible. Some of our clients prefer to take hanging artwork/photos down on adjacent walls as the construction process can sometimes cause things to shake loose. Finally, notify us if there is dust getting into area’s of the house beyond the jobsite! We don’t tromps through our clients house so we won’t know if there are areas being affected by the construction process unless you tell us!
Feature 2
Putting it all back together!
Next comes the framing (putting new walls where they belong and beams where the old walls were you don’t want anymore). This can be a bit noisy! After that, we call our trades people who are specially trained to do the mechanicals (Plumbing, Electrical, HVAC). After all the wires and pipes are where they need to be, (this is called “rough in”) we restore the drywall, install cabinetry, vanities, tubs etc depending on the type of project, at which point the countertop will be templated and installed (typically 1-2 weeks after template). Once the countertops are in, we install backsplash tile, faucets, fixtures and appliances if applicable.
Feature 3
Final touches!
At this point we typically will work closely with our clients to make the space usable while we are finishing details (we call it the “Punchlist”) We know how hard it is to live without a bathroom or kitchen or other section of your house so we try to get it operational as soon as we can with the understanding we are still trying to get all the finishes installed, paint on the walls, and accessories hung. We strive to make each renovation beautiful and our team is always on the lookout for items we missed or little spots that need attention as we get close to closing out the project. However, we try to remind our client’s that they are spending a lot more time in the space then we are so always bring our attention to an area that needs some more attention.